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Hyderabad, India
Moving into a new place where many have not been to before, me and the hubby truely did not know what to expect. As we find out for ourselves what kind of hole we have thrown ourselves into living in Hyderabad, here's a peek for all into this new world of ours.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Eating Out: Seasonal Tastes @ The Westin Hyderabad Mindspace

Our first picture together!

Was treated to a belated birthday lunch by my friend and her hubby and we headed to The Westin hotel located in Hitec city area.

Oh my! This is the best buffet spread I had so far here in the city! In fact, the variety they had for appetisers were so good that I never made it much to the main courses.

The food that I had stuffed myself silly with were several helpings of: Salmon sashimi, smoked tuna, sushi, grilled prawns, hummus with pita, chicken and leek consomme, grilled prawns, antipasti.

For mains, there was a good mix of local and international options. Too bad I didn't have space to try the Japanese and Chinese soup noodles. I tasted my friend's hubby of Andhra curry which they cook on spot customised to your preference of meat and it was good! However, too bad that when I ordered, it was customised to my Chinese face and the flavour was somewhat more muted. The roast chicken and honeyed potatoes that I had managed to eat were yums too.

Dessert was a good variety of local desserts, pastries and cakes. Their ice cream station deserves a special mention. They had a whole ice cream freezer with 12 different flavours and someone to scoop it for you. Unlike most buffets, ice cream is usually sitting in a tub for you to help yourself. On the downside, I didn't think their cake items were particularly great.

Overall, it is obvious that much effort have been put into the vast menu options and also the freshness of the food served. Attention from service staff can be a bit over attentive, especially when one is already so busy eating and talking to friends.

At a price of Rs1000 + taxes (Mon-Sat lunch), it offers great value as compared to the other hotel buffets. I definitely got my value from three solid hours of eating, skipped dinner and was still stuffed before bedtime.

Heard that the Sunday Brunch costs slightly more but that is what I will be going back for the next time.

My full plate of appetizers

Dessert - Carrot Cake

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