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Hyderabad, India
Moving into a new place where many have not been to before, me and the hubby truely did not know what to expect. As we find out for ourselves what kind of hole we have thrown ourselves into living in Hyderabad, here's a peek for all into this new world of ours.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Eating Out: N - A Modern Grill (at Road 36 Jubilee Hills)

The restaurant sign to look out for
The hubby's colleague had suggested he bring me here for my birthday dinner and it was a great recommendation!

This place, located just about 10-20m before Croma is a hidden gem that is difficult to locate unless you are looking for it.

Walking into this place, you can tell that much effort have been put into the decor. The indoor sitting area has high ceilings and there are partitions to accommodate bigger groups who wants privacy.

Though the weather was chilly, we sat outdoors and it was comfortable as they had small fire pits (like your outdoor heaters in US or Europe) to keep customers warm. The design was more Balinese style with rattan furniture and gravel floor. The soft lights and trees completed the outdoor ambiance well.
Outdoor sitting area
Now for the menu. Though it is called a grill but the menu was more slanted towards Italian with a good selection of pasta, risotto and pizza. We totally enjoyed the dinner as the food was cooked without adapting to the local tastes buds. The hubby who is always fussy about food, who complains more than compliments, actually liked what was served.

This probably explains why the place was running full house on a Weds night, catering to expats and well heeled locals.

For dinner, we started off with a order of mushroom soup and garlic bread. Thumbs up! The soup was freshly made and it is comparable to what I have had at Italian restaurants. I would have preferred for more garlic on the toast but I am a garlic monster, so not sure if most would agree with me on this one.

Mushroom Soup and Garlic Bread
 Our mains arrived and I had the Porcini Risotto with Pine Nuts while the hubby had 4 cheese pasta with chicken. The risotto was good and they were generous with the pine nuts but the portion was way too much for me. For the 4 cheese pasta, the flavours of the cheese were well balanced but there was no Gorgonzola in there and it was a bit disappointing for me.

Though having said this, this place is still considered a great find for a city where the international food scene is developing.

Porcini Risotto with Pine Nuts
4 Cheese Pasta with Chicken
At this age, I do not need candles on my cake but what is a birthday with no cake (or at least what looks like a slice of cake)?

So, I ordered Tiramisu which we both finished it happily.
Right proportion of coffee, liquor and sponge fingers though I suspect it was not 100% mascarpone cheese in there.

Tiramisu for dessert
Overall, place is definitely in the pricier range but the food is good and the service staff is well trained. So, we will return again and this time, I want to try their grill and pizza.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Grace,

My name is Melvin and I'm from Malaysia. I've been following your blog for a while now and thanks for the insights you have shared! I'll be transferred to Hyderabad in March/ April this year so if you dont mind I hope I can ask you some questions about Hyderabad before the transfer so that I can properly equip myself! I can be contacted at melvinlee86@gmail.com - thanks in advance!