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Hyderabad, India
Moving into a new place where many have not been to before, me and the hubby truely did not know what to expect. As we find out for ourselves what kind of hole we have thrown ourselves into living in Hyderabad, here's a peek for all into this new world of ours.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Do onions make you cry?

Yes, food prices are on the rise. It is the same every year and fingers are always pointed to the weather as the culprit. Too bad the sky does not have fingers to point back to merchants who are taking the chance to jump onto the bandwagon.

For this matter, one vegetable has been hogging the news here in India recently and it is none other than the crying onion.

By the end of Dec 2010, onion prices have increased to 40 percent higher than from a year ago and it is the hot topic of discussion amongst people of all levels from the government to the domestic helpers.

Newspaper reports that similar onion crisis has brought down Indian administrations twice before in the 80s and 90s. In response, the government stopped all exports of onions and started importing from China as an interim solution.

On the home front, I suspect that my cleaning lady took onions from my kitchen on Monday. I say 'suspect' because I do not count the number of onions that I buy! But surely, I would have bought more than five to use over the week.

Sigh. It actually troubled me for a day about how to broach the topic with her since firstly, I cannot be 100% sure and secondly, I do want to continue using her. She definitely didn't help herself by complaining to me last week that onions are getting very expensive.

What did I get myself into? It is easier to manage employee's issues at work than to confront someone about missing onions! >_<

People have warned me to watch over domestic help at home because they can hide anything in those layers of saris when they leave. I already take care to put away valuable things but onions?? I mean, really???

In the end, I asked her if she had thrown away any onions while cleaning the kitchen that day because I think my onions are missing. How stupid does that sound? Gr...

Of course I was not expecting a confession but hopefully, I sent across a message strong enough to tell her that I am aware of things and do not try to be funny!

Well, so onions do make me cry in more than one way other when dicing it. Hope it is only happening to me.


Anonymous said...

Try chewing gum when you are slicing onions. Supposed to stop the tears. I have not tried it though.

Grace said...

Really? This is the first that I am hearing of this remedy but too bad that I am no fan of chewing gum. Thanks anyway. :) Has anyone tried this before?

Anonymous said...

one auntie at the market told me the other day to cut onions outdoors, but I haven't tried it yet and I don't know how feasible it is where you are.

how much exactly are onions at your end? We're having a "ginger crisis" over here...ginger is A$40/kg, so not eating ginger for a while. By the way, how auntie do I sound...hahah


huan liang said...

put the onions in a basin when you cut... and yes... cutting it outdoors will help too!

Grace said...

Onions all time high were around Rs80/kg which is like S2.40/kg? Ok, compared to your ginger, I rest my case. Maybe you should start growing your own!

Marn, wait till we start the discussion towards toilet paper (which is like really expensive here btw) and coupons! Hiakkers.

Anonymous said...

oh don't get me started on toilet paper prices! :)
