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Hyderabad, India
Moving into a new place where many have not been to before, me and the hubby truely did not know what to expect. As we find out for ourselves what kind of hole we have thrown ourselves into living in Hyderabad, here's a peek for all into this new world of ours.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

India - Champions of Cricket World Cup 2011

India last won the Cricket World Cup in 1983. Hence, you can imagine the excitement that has been building up since their win over Pakistan during the semi finals.
Today the hubby and myself decided to watch our first cricket match at Hard Rock Cafe. I mean what are the odds to be in a country where the home team could win the world cup in just another 4 hours?

We were there at around 7pm, about 5 hours after the match started but it didn't matter. When we stepped in, we knew that it was the right place to be. Some waiters decked their heads with the India flags and others wearing the India jersey.

It was obvious which players were crowd favourites and who were public enemies. There was this Sri Lankan player whom I call Goldilocks that was booed everytime he came out to throw.

When the advertisements were played or when India batted beautifully, there were roaring shouts of "India, India!" Trust me, that patriotism is super infectious.

Of course, I am not going to give you a commentary of how the match played out but I must say that the winning hit was just brilliant!
I think in cricket terminology, they call it a six widget. It is what a home run is in a baseball game and it was that shot that led India to clinch the victory.

People jumped from their seats, started hugging each other, giving hi-fives and running all over the place chanting "India, India!". We suddenly realised that we were the only people still sitting on chairs but that didn't last long.

Guys from the next table came over, hi-fived us and pulled my hubby out of his chair wanting to give a celebratory hug. Soon, we were up on our feet taking pictures and joining the crowd in celebration.

En route home, you could see people on bikes holding the India flag zooming down the road shouting "India" at the top of their voice. Groups were walking down the road shouting and celebrating the win. Drivers on the road also added to the noise by honking. Along the road, people were lighting fire crackers and fireworks. Suddenly, it was like Diwali all over again.

Sports can really bond a nation. For that few hours, because of a common goal, differences are set aside for another day. All that matters now is to enjoy that cup that has eluded India for 28 years.

For myself, I am going shopping tomorrow for a India jersey to keep as a momento.

Where all the action is
Drinking out of plastic cup because no glasses allowed for today!
Watching the match

The India team after winning the game

A fan celebrating the win
Celebrating India's win
India! India!
India flag paraded on the road by bikers


rajesh said...

Hey Grace!! Hope you guys still remember me. Finally our trip to India is finalized! We'll be in Hyderabad on August 5th. Are you guys going to be in Hyderabad by then? I really hope so!

And yes, what a great win by team India...People celebrated the victory on the streets of London, Chicago, Vancouver and Durban ! Let me know what you guys will be up to in August. Flying through Singapore and have a layover of 16 hrs and looking forward to that as well. Why am I telling you this,? because I know you guys are from there!


Grace said...

Hi Rajesh, great to hear that your trip is finialised! But we wont be here by then.:( We will be in the US for a month before going home to Singapore.

Am sure you will enjoy your 16 hours layover in Singapore. Lots to do and eat! You will be overnighting at hotel in the city? Not sure if the Great Singapore Sale would still be on but if it is, there will be some great buys!