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Hyderabad, India
Moving into a new place where many have not been to before, me and the hubby truely did not know what to expect. As we find out for ourselves what kind of hole we have thrown ourselves into living in Hyderabad, here's a peek for all into this new world of ours.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bus (no) Stop

A few things I observed about bus transportation when we got here:
1. There are plenty of buses on the roads but where are the bus stops?
2. Most traffic deaths in the newspaper seem to involve buses. School bus, public bus, etc.

And my conclusion:
1. Try to avoid buses on the roads
2. NEVER cross the road near a bus

Well, I will not know for sure if buses could be the statistically highest killer on the roads here but I think I have found out why there are no bus stops.

Reason being: The buses generally do not stop!

I am not trying to be funny here. Serious.
Let me help you set your imagination straight here first before I continue. The buses here are not air-conditioned. Both the front and back doors are always kept open. There is definitely black exhaust coming out from the exhuast pipe.

What I have observed is that when you see a large group of people gathering beside the road, they are waiting for the bus. When the bus approaches, keep your eyes glued to the doors because that is when the magic happens. Without the bus stopping, people are getting on and off the bus.

How? Before approaching the group of people, the bus will slow down about 3-5m before and people will start jumping off the bus.
As the bus approaches the group waiting, people will start running alongside the bus, trying to get the right speed and then jump up through the doors. Just like comrades, those on the bus extends a hand to pull the new passenger up.

Though this is the usual scene that I see, there are also those rare moments where I see the buses stopping. But till now, I still have not quite figured out if they are required to stop at certain places.

I would love to put a video up for viewing but it is quite difficult though I am still looking out for opportunities to record it. In the meantime, you can put your visualisation skills to good use.

Oh, by the way, bus stops are actually called bus shelters here.


souljaded said...

LOL! This is rather interesting! But scary sia..... Action stunts required to get on/off a bus.

Grace said...

Yah its rather eye popping. Wish I could get a video for you guys to view!

chiara said...

my friends saw some locals THROW a baby through the window to chope a seat once... gee

Grace said...

Are you for real?!?!? Er... maybe it was a baby doll? Gosh!