About Me

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Hyderabad, India
Moving into a new place where many have not been to before, me and the hubby truely did not know what to expect. As we find out for ourselves what kind of hole we have thrown ourselves into living in Hyderabad, here's a peek for all into this new world of ours.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Radio Silence

Yes, I have been procrastinating again when it comes to blogging. It is still not in my DNA to update people about my activities through the internet but since I had decided to start this to keep you folks updated, I will continue to endeavour.

My reminder for me to pen down (maybe this will soon be a obsolete phrase since no one uses a pen much anymore it seems) the days of March came while watching House last night.

The episode was about a female blogger who started blogging as a form of communication but has developed to be so dependent on her online community that the very minute when she faces a question, she blogs about it to get opinion. Her boyfriend was against her asking her online community if she should undergo surgery as he wanted to maintain their privacy.

He told her that her belief of "no one will need to be alone again with the internet" has turned into one where it is an obsession for more "eyeballs" (i.e. clicks/ visits) and it has turned their lives into entertainment for others.

This is the reason why I am a late adopter towards blogging. I cannot draw a clear line between what is too private and what is not. Will my friends like to be named/ identified? Will the pictures that I post be held against me in public opinion one day? For now, think Kate Spade and a 27 year old gal and I believe you understand my hesitation.

But I also believe that blogging can help friends to stay closer in touch because though Facebook is de rigueur, how much can you share in that short status update?
Because of the internet, I have benefited much from strangers' blogs about their experiences on travelling, product review and more. 
There are many people out there who are happy to share step by step photos on how to cook a certain dish, resolving a computer glitch, why you should wait for ipad3, etc. Forget about the dummy guide books.  

Hence, this love-hate relationship causes me to resist clicking "New Post" because each time, there is that battle in my head about where to draw the line of privacy. 

Of course, this becomes easier with each post published but the question of this too too much never goes away.

Guess I will be practising drawing the line while working on all those March posts that are still in draft.


Anonymous said...

'Blogging' itself doesn't have to be about one's daily life and drama if one's not comfortable with sharing very intimate stuff about oneself.

One can be a beauty blogger, political blogger, a travel blogger, food blogger, etc. A blog can solely be all about personal interest.

Grace said...

Hi, yes I realise that most sites will fall into the category of info or personal blogs. Since mine is more of a personal blog, that is why sometimes I need to rethink that privacy line. But thanks for your thoughts!

souljaded said...

It is a fine line that we are treading on and discretion is subjective. Be cautious but not too cautious! LOL~

Have a blessed weekend, dear!