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Hyderabad, India
Moving into a new place where many have not been to before, me and the hubby truely did not know what to expect. As we find out for ourselves what kind of hole we have thrown ourselves into living in Hyderabad, here's a peek for all into this new world of ours.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tummy Troubles

Oops. It had finally hit us on Day 5. Or to be more specific, it had hit the hubby.
After the dinner at Hyderabad House on Friday night, the hubby had woken up in the morning to a spat of visits to the toilet. What we had for dinner that night: Lamb curry, vegetable curry and naan.

Though he had no appetite for breakfast, he had forced himself to eat half a slice of bread so that he could self medicate on anti-diarrhoea pills and oral rehydration salts. We lazed around in the morning doing our research on things like power inverters if we were to move into an unfurnished apartment.

As he spoke to the staff at the service apartment, he found out that food at the Hyderabad House where we had dinner were pre-heated food. This chain of restaurant does not cook on the spot but instead reheats the food that had been sent to them from a central kitchen. But seriously, as visitors, how would we ever know if the food is being re-heated or freshly cooked?!?!?
Of course, that will be the last time we will be stepping into that place.

Lunch was a 'parcel' or takeaway from Thai Express. He had tang hoon soup which he finished but I know he really doesnt fancy such bland foodstuff. While waiting for the food, we had grabbed bottles of 100-Plus for him to drink through the day. Wished so much that I had a kitchen where I could have just prepared a simple fare of porridge for lunch.

After lunch, his energy level just went down and he rested most of the afternoon. Think he was also running a slight temperature and thankfully it went away after his nap.

Worst case scenario is of course to go on drip at the hospital which is something we are trying to avoid at all costs. We were even kidding over dinner that we should have brought our own syringes to use when necessary.

With low energy level, rapid pulse and him feeling faint, praying hard that he will recover soon!

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