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Hyderabad, India
Moving into a new place where many have not been to before, me and the hubby truely did not know what to expect. As we find out for ourselves what kind of hole we have thrown ourselves into living in Hyderabad, here's a peek for all into this new world of ours.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Weather in this city

Today's weather: 29°C - Sunny Intervals - Min: 24°C / Max 29°C - Humidity at 57%

The sun is out again today which is great as since Thurs night, it has been drizzling continuously. We always have our trusty brollys and I always think of Jen when I open mine cos it was her christmas present to me! To think that it was actually put to good use only in India.

What I have seen on the streets on a rainy day - most people do not open umbrellas. In fact, they move around as if there was no rain. Most motorists would wear windbreakers and some others would be wearing ponchos. If you ask me, I think ponchos are the way to go plus a pair of really chic wellies!

Weather in this place has pleasantly surprised me with its low humidity level. Turns out that this city is generally cool especially during mornings and evenings because of its elevation.

While going out, I have not been perspiring at all and I think outdoor sports would just really be great here. Too bad running outdoors here is out of the question due to the pollution near the roads and of course, safety.

In Singapore, we only get to around 29°C on rainy days but still with high humidity. On thurs night when we were heading back from dinner, I was actually feeling cold with the wind chill from sitting in the open auto. 
Through the last week, I have been thinking quite several times that this is the weather that Singapore needs!

Going out in the day is comfortable with T-shirt and jeans - bearing in mind that I almost never wear jeans in Singapore. Ever since I stopped travelling often, my jeans have remained nicely packed in a corner of my cupboard. Now I regret not bringing over more than 1 pair!
Also, I should have packed long sleeve tops along with me. But that's ok, cos it gives me a reason to go shopping! But more than temperature reasons, wearing long sleeves would also help combat the mosquitoes.

On the average, I have had more than 5 mozzie bites a day. :( These mozzies may look small and harmless but I tell you, they are commando trained. One day, I killed one in a vehicle after I felt the itch on my legs. It was one bloody mosquito cos it had already left me with 4-5 love bites in that short time. Now, bringing insect repellent and mopiko when going out is a MUST for me.

We are still in the monsoon period and the rainy spells will end somewhere in early October. I am sure I will have a different story to tell when the next summer approaches but for now, I am enjoying this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Didnt even know that you have gone off. Thought we could do coffee after "the wedding" that i have missed. Sounds like you are doing not too bad over there.

Should you require anything from here to ease your homesickness, you know who to contact. Its the least i could do to make up for missing your event.

Keep your blog updated, i will drop by often. Take care lil one.
