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Hyderabad, India
Moving into a new place where many have not been to before, me and the hubby truely did not know what to expect. As we find out for ourselves what kind of hole we have thrown ourselves into living in Hyderabad, here's a peek for all into this new world of ours.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Moving House!

We are finally moving into our permanent place today! Our agent - Vinay had found the place for us about a week ago but was not able to move in as the tenants were only moving out on the 15th.

During the last few days, the hubby and myself had been going on shopping sprees. It is not the usual shopping spree that I would usually do but its great fun! Items that we have been buying are household items like pots, pans, pails, crockery, etc. I know it sure doesn't sound like anything close to glamourous but its fun doing it together. Its like playing house - setting up your own place and buying what you want in the house. We now have many big bags of shopping sitting in the room waiting to be moved on top of our luggage from Singapore. Can we make it in one trip? Hm... we will find out later.

Today will be a long day moving things, then cleaning up the new place. The cable tv guy from Tata Sky and delivery of other items like washing machine will come in tomorrow. Hopefully the broadband guy from Reliance will also call us back today so that we can arrange for internet access at the new place soon.

One interesting thing to note about services here. The business is not set up for customers to do a walk in to their shops or to call the company's hotline. What most consumers do here is to leave their names and contact number on their website and wait for them to call you back. When they call back, they will send guys down to your house in the next one to two days to do the necessary. Even travellers cheques can be exchanged this way where the company staff will come to your house with the cash and required documentation! Guess the million dollar question here is: When do those people call you back? So far, as we are setting up new accounts, they have been quite prompt and will call back within 24 hours. But in forums when there are issues with the products and services, the companies almost seem to like never return calls.

Alright, guess we will not be having internet access for the next few days as we are getting the new place set up. Will update everyone again once we get settled in and hopefully post some pictures too. Wish us luck!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So exciting!! I suppose we will be seeing pics of your new place soon! ;p