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Hyderabad, India
Moving into a new place where many have not been to before, me and the hubby truely did not know what to expect. As we find out for ourselves what kind of hole we have thrown ourselves into living in Hyderabad, here's a peek for all into this new world of ours.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sunshine after the Rain

Nope. The title has got nothing to do with the song by 98 Degrees but it does correctly express my feelings now.

Sunday marked our first complete week here and it was also the day which we both felt lowest in spirits since we arrived. The hubby was still recovering from diarrhoea but as we had wanted to view one more apartment, we made our way out. The apartment, as expected did not wow us but it was a clean place with lots of sunshine. Following our usual protocol of walking around the area after viewing, it was immediately stuck off our list as there were quite a few beggars in the vicinity and that made it difficult to walk around.

With beggars, my rule of thumb is never to look at them in the eye. This was one good lesson learnt from a senior crew during my flying days. I remember clearly it was at San Francisco, in the evening when we were heading out to dinner because the beggars come out in the streets after dark. Once these homeless wanderers catches your gaze of sympathy, they will be heading in your direction. But yesterday, I caught the eye of this female beggar and the look on her elderly face made my heart chill. It was a look of lost hope and desperation.

Lunch was at the Pizza Hut around the corner. This place is usually on the hubby's list of top 5 fav places to eat but yesterday, he commented that he can't help thinking of army rations while eating it! Think of red bean soup, mee goreng, etc. It strucked me that though we are at the same Pizza Hut with red chairs, we will NEVER be able to order a Hawaiian or Pepperoni pizza here.

While looking through the classifieds yesterday during lunch, my first pang of homesickness hit me. It was because I missed my Sunday Times! Couldn't believe that I am that much of a creature of habit. But I did miss my weekly Sunday reading about what food places Wong Ah Yoke is reviewing this week, Colin Goh and his yakuza baby, etc. Think for this post, The Straits Times should send me a hardcopy weekly!

Anyway, to top the day off, we visited this new area called Hitech City where tech companies like IBM, Google, Microsoft has set up base. It is where new developments have come up and they have a huge mall called Inorbit Mall. True that they had your Mark and Spencers, Body Shop, Lacoste, Lush but it is nothing at all exciting. This area is where supposedly the expats are staying but they were definitely not at the mall yesterday. Dinner was even worse than lunch and not worth mentioning. I did not finish my fried rice and the hubby's tummy acted up again. And so the day ended with the uneventful trip to the mall and me having a headache from the bumpy ride home. Bleah.

So where's the sunshine?
Today - 9th Aug - Singapore's National Day!

We had finally viewed an apartment that we both like, meeting all our criteria. In fact, exceeding it. Details should be finalised tomorrow and we are looking to move in around 15-Aug when the current tenant vacates. FINALLY!!! I am so looking forward to setting up home and the kitchen!!

Also, the hubby had met up with his colleagues today and will start work once we have settled into the new place.
We have been looking forward to reaching this stage so that some form of normalcy and routine will finally return. No more living out of suitcases!

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