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Hyderabad, India
Moving into a new place where many have not been to before, me and the hubby truely did not know what to expect. As we find out for ourselves what kind of hole we have thrown ourselves into living in Hyderabad, here's a peek for all into this new world of ours.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Settling In

This post is long overdue and I know it because it has been sitting in my head for a few days now. Of course I have the 101 excuses of internet access being not reliable, busy cleaning up, cooking, etc but the real reasons are really getting hooked on watching TVB drama series online, chasing CSI episodes on cable TV and reading.

It has been about 1.5 weeks now since we moved in. Most of the setup has been done - sofa arrived, broadband up, gas stove cooking. Top question given to me these days is: How do you spend your day?

Ok, if this doesn't bore you: I get up with the hubby at around 815am and prepare breakfast for him. When he goes off around 9am, I go back to dreamland for awhile - usually not more than 90mins. Then begins my favourite period of the day when I have my "me time". I eat my breakfast with my favourite cup of tea, read the local papers and Straits Times online, the mandatory Facebook catchup and whatever else I feel like which could be reading, updating the blog, replying emails, etc.

By then, the cleaning lady would have arrived and I spend the next 1-2 hours watching her do her chores. Everyone including the locals tells me that you should never lose sight of them. Seriously, though I do not do the chores but just watching her and giving her simple instructions is also tiring!

I have a late lunch after she leaves and do the chores that I prefer to do myself like washing clothes, ironing, airing and making the bed. Then, it's the planning of menu for dinner and lunch tomorrow. Dishes that I want to cook but do not know how, there is always the world wide web. Or Skype to call mummy! The internet really "rawks"!

Its rock and roll time now with the pots and pans. If I have not mentioned it before, I really hate washing! There is just so much to wash all the time! Bleah. I try to get everything done by 8pm so that I can go shower and sit in comfort before MasterChef Australia shows on telly! It's usually snack and telly time while waiting for the hubby to come back to have dinner together. This is a great time to msn/ video call with nocturnal friends who are still online.

The hubby gets home anytime between 1030pm to midnight. Dinner is when we catch up on what happened in the day. Though it's been a long day for him, the hubby will still want to do the dishes for me and take out the trash. :)

Weekends are a break from the kitchen and we will go out to different places to eat. Last sat, we went to the ITC Kakatiya Hotel for their buffet dinner. There was a grill counter and I went all out for the steak. Super satisfied. Free flow of alcohol too! Has anyone tried an Indian Shiraz? I have!

To end off the week, Sunday is a go slow day for us where we do not really plan. The hubby gets up so early every other morning that he really deserves to sleep in on Sundays. Going to church is on the cards but we are looking for a church that has evening English services.

Right now, I am not feeling bored yet and am rather enjoying the time I have to myself.

If case you have not noticed, I have not mentioned anything about going out at all during weekdays. Surely, I have set my own record of staying home 5 days in a row. 

But this is fine with me so far because I think it is important to find my routine and feel settled first before introducing other activities. What I have in mind now is maybe going to the gym twice a week.

There are 2 places which I have shortlisted and the one that I prefer charges ridiculous prices that is comparable to what I pay in Singapore for gym membership! So let's see which I decide on next week.

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