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Hyderabad, India
Moving into a new place where many have not been to before, me and the hubby truely did not know what to expect. As we find out for ourselves what kind of hole we have thrown ourselves into living in Hyderabad, here's a peek for all into this new world of ours.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Eating out: TGIF @ Banjara Hills

Thank God It's Friday!

Well, I haven't been saying that for awhile now but I still echo the same sentiments when my friends says that on Facebook.

Back to point. Lunch on Sunday was at this American diner that is quite far away from where we stay. Food was not the main draw that convinced us to take that long dusty auto ride. The hubby wanted to go to this electronic shop - Croma to buy his netbook and TGIF was enroute.

Place was quite empty for a sunday afternoon but the service was good. I had the chicken quesadilla and hubby had a 12oz ribeye. They had enough staff on hand that when I asked if the ice tea was homebrewed, the server said no but they could do a special order. Hubby raised his eyebrows and said he would stick to drinking coke. Well, no tummy troubles for me and I enjoyed the ice tea that had mint leaves in there too!

Initally, I had wanted to order wings as well but I knew it would have been too much. :( Oh, have to mention that they do serve ribs here and you have a choice of Indian ribs or imported ribs. The imported ribs costs like 1.5 times more than the imported ones! Well, I guess some pigs die a worthier death.

The food met my expectations, portions were generous and the meat was also of a good cut. Nothing to rave about but in a city like this, coupled with the ambience, it does make a good Sunday brunch place. In total, the meal costs around SGD40 for us both.

Yes, I will be back again for their wings with ranch sauce and probably tenderloin quesadillas again. I admit to be a boring eater once I find food that hits my sweet spot. :)

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