About Me

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Hyderabad, India
Moving into a new place where many have not been to before, me and the hubby truely did not know what to expect. As we find out for ourselves what kind of hole we have thrown ourselves into living in Hyderabad, here's a peek for all into this new world of ours.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day of Coffee and Postcard

Most days, my day to day routine is the same as mentioned but today, I made a new friend. She is a Singaporean Chinese who has been living in the city for awhile and we had made plans for coffee. I was quite looking forward to the meeting as I am always open to making new friends and partly also because I get to go hang out which is not something I do often here!

We went to this place called The Chocolate Room - a local cafe chain. The coffee was ok but the waffle that came with ice cream was harder than biscuits! A bit disappointing but nevertheless, the ambience was nice for a coffee session.

So over the hardened waffle and coffee, we bonded over common topics like family, skincare, fashion, etc. She gave me a lot of good advice and tips about living here. Hope to be able to catch up with her more often in future. What an angel sent by God!

As I was returning to the apartment, I had this prompting to check the mailbox and I did. Finally, the postcard that Lea had sent to me arrived!!! I had asked her to send a postcard to me just to test the local post. What a surprise because I had been prepared not to receive it all all. This is my first mail received in India and it is not a bill. :) Thanks babe!

The postcard had taken about 10 days to arrive which is not too bad. My friend was saying that postal here can be a bit erratic. She receives most mails within 1-2 weeks but there were some that took a month. What happened in between is anybody's guess!

1 comment:

Lea said...

hahaha..its a miracle!! maybe i should start sending u postcards from every destination?! HA! u'll have something to look fwd to every now and then! ;)