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Hyderabad, India
Moving into a new place where many have not been to before, me and the hubby truely did not know what to expect. As we find out for ourselves what kind of hole we have thrown ourselves into living in Hyderabad, here's a peek for all into this new world of ours.

Monday, February 14, 2011

An Unwelcomed Homecoming Present

On the third day of returning back to Hyderabad, I added one more first to my list of life experiences - Food Poisoning.

I highly suspect that this present came in the form of that innocent bottle of Bloody Mary Mix bought from the supermarket about a month back.
Yes, I had ate quite a few other things that evening like instant porridge, bak kwa and pineapple tarts but after a process of elimination and analysis, that sip of mix was most likely to be the culprit.

This is not just my first food poisoning experience in India but I mean ever in my whole life! What I thought was indigestion initially was becoming unsettling when I had to battle against that nausea feeling. Ranking number one on my list of things I hate is that I hate to puke. Of course, after the puking came the multiple toilet visits.

Finally, I can truly emphatise with friends who had suffered from food poisoning. Previously, the words of care and concern offered was of course genuine but I never knew how abused the stomach could feel during the episode.

Of course, then my next salute went to all the mummies who had gone through morning sickness.

Thank God, my case was mild and things were more or less back to normal the next day. Right now, am still nursing my less bruised tummy back to normal with no spicy food or dairy products.

Though there are loads of new foodstuff that I had stocked up from my trip back home, I don't think I will have the stomach to try out new items at least for now. Better safe than sorry!

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