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Hyderabad, India
Moving into a new place where many have not been to before, me and the hubby truely did not know what to expect. As we find out for ourselves what kind of hole we have thrown ourselves into living in Hyderabad, here's a peek for all into this new world of ours.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Eating Betel Leaf - Another New Experience

Over the weekend, the hubby’s colleague had invited us to his home for dinner together with two other couples.
The highlight of this dinner came after dessert when our hosts served “pan” – the Indian equivalent of after-dinner mint, to end the meal.

Pan is actually a Betel Leaf shaped into a cone that is about the size of your palm. Different regions have got different type of pans and some of these pans come with ingredients like tobacco and slaked lime.

The locals really love their pan as you can see crowded pan shops along many streets in the city.

The pan offered to us was a meetha (sweet) pan and it had rose petals, dried coconut, crushed spices, and other things amongst it. I wasn’t at all too keen about eating a Betel leaf with what sounded like dubious ingredients but the host had insisted that we must try it and I felt that it would have been rude to refuse again.

I was told to put the entire pan into my mouth and I was glad that I did because if not, I don’t think I could have taken a second bite.

All I tasted in the first two chews was the texture of leaf. After that, you start to crunch through the ingredients and all the flavours start to explode in your mouth. There is probably no one word to describe the taste but imagine strong mint coupled together with spices. It is overwhelming for a first timer and I could not disguise my expression while chewing through the rest of it. During that few minutes of chewing, I was focused only on one thought: I must not gag. For non Indians, to enjoy pan is definitely an acquired taste.
For the longest time, it was in my head that betel leaf must have a unique taste which is why people in places like Taiwan eat them a lot too. After eating it, it is how I had imagine a leaf to taste. There was no special taste or flavour about it.
As I read more about eating betel leaf, its anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties are bring touted everywhere. What goes together with the betel leaf is the deciding factor of making it a good or bad habit.

For most food, one mouthful leaves me wanting for more but when it comes to eating pan, this one bite is surely more than enough.

*was not able to take pictures so these pics are from google.

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