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Hyderabad, India
Moving into a new place where many have not been to before, me and the hubby truely did not know what to expect. As we find out for ourselves what kind of hole we have thrown ourselves into living in Hyderabad, here's a peek for all into this new world of ours.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Winter Chill

Hyderabad had just experienced its coldest winter in 5 years. Yesterday, the temperature had dropped to 9.8 degrees. Hey, no website ever told me that this place could be so cold during year end! Luckily, I somehow had squeezed in a fleece jacket in my packing and I thank myself for doing that everyday now.

I had been to many countries during winter, experienced temperatures as cold as -30 degrees and am convinced that I can deal with cold weather anytime. This is still true only if I was in a hotel room or a flat with heating!

In the morning, the hubby now appreciates his hot chocolate drink more than ever and steps out into the balcony to breathe in the cool crisp air before it gets polluted. For me, it is so difficult to resist toasting under the covers for another five more minutes.

In the kitchen, washing dishes has become more loathsome than it already is because of the cold water! Now, I really make an effort to prepare and cook using as little plates/ bowls as I can. One less used is one less for me to wash.

In the bathroom, showering is now done with military precision because of the draft caused by a missing window pane in the bathroom. I never thought much of it until now when the weather is cold. Staying in the hotel, the room is nice and warm when you step out of the shower. You can take your time to dry off, blow your hair and get dressed but here, all I want to do is to dry off and get my fleece jacket on.

One extra motivation to go to the gym these days is to use their shower facilities! I wash my hair there now so that I don't have to do it at home and because there is no draft, I can take my own sweet time.

During the daytime at home, I now wear my socks and put on my cardigan. It makes me realise that I still prefer piling on the layers than to be in Singapore where I perspire right after a shower.

So, I am not complaining at all about the cold except wishing that we had brought more variety of clothing for the cold weather. For now, I will be making the most out of it till mid Jan when the weather will start warming up.

Oh yes, eating the hot spicy Chinese style chicken curry for dinner in this temperature just makes it even more yums!

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