About Me

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Hyderabad, India
Moving into a new place where many have not been to before, me and the hubby truely did not know what to expect. As we find out for ourselves what kind of hole we have thrown ourselves into living in Hyderabad, here's a peek for all into this new world of ours.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas away from home

My mood was terrible starting from the days leading up to Christmas and I was turning into the Christmas Grinch. In fact,this Grinch stayed till Boxing Day when Christmas was over.

As a Christian, Christmas is of course about celebrating the birth of Jesus, thanking God for sending His only Son to earth for us. That is the spiritual part.

As a Singaporean, Christmas is about running around madly in different malls at the last minute, re-checking my shopping list and keeping fingers crossed that the present will not be going onto that person's re-gifting list. That is the GDP contribution part.

As me, Christmas is spent in sunny island Singapore, having Christmas dinner on Christmas Day at this tucked away place called Cooling Close. That is the social part.

For this year, of course the spiritual part of Christmas remains unchanged and I am more than happy not to be contributing to GDP growth but I was missing the social part so much more than I thought I would!

Nearing to Christmas, I was checking my Facebook account less frequently and I told myself that I will not check Facebook at all on Christmas Day! I don't want to know about where my friends are enjoying themselves, who is getting what "wow" presents or looking at pictures of yummalicious food that is so far away from me.

These actions are not from feelings of jealousy or envy but rather homesick-ness. I could now understand why people are willing to brave all the travel chaos, travelling across continents and time zones just to be with family and friends during the festive season.

On Whatsapp with J who is also away from home for the first year, I agreed with her that we had taken the annual Christmas dinner for granted without realising it till now. From Cooling Close, friends wanted to call me on Viber or webcam but I said no. It was too sad to see them so close yet so far.

I have a friend R who have been bringing me into her lectures, karaoke sessions, etc via webcam. She wanted to have me join her Christmas party too but I also said no.

Yes, I know I don't have to make myself feel so miserable and that I have the hubby here but it is just not the same when a tradition is broken. I know the hubby misses being there at his family's Christmas dinner too.

But the good news is, I have decided to make New Year's Day better by going out on New Year's Eve to have dinner and counting down to a great 2011.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Winter Chill

Hyderabad had just experienced its coldest winter in 5 years. Yesterday, the temperature had dropped to 9.8 degrees. Hey, no website ever told me that this place could be so cold during year end! Luckily, I somehow had squeezed in a fleece jacket in my packing and I thank myself for doing that everyday now.

I had been to many countries during winter, experienced temperatures as cold as -30 degrees and am convinced that I can deal with cold weather anytime. This is still true only if I was in a hotel room or a flat with heating!

In the morning, the hubby now appreciates his hot chocolate drink more than ever and steps out into the balcony to breathe in the cool crisp air before it gets polluted. For me, it is so difficult to resist toasting under the covers for another five more minutes.

In the kitchen, washing dishes has become more loathsome than it already is because of the cold water! Now, I really make an effort to prepare and cook using as little plates/ bowls as I can. One less used is one less for me to wash.

In the bathroom, showering is now done with military precision because of the draft caused by a missing window pane in the bathroom. I never thought much of it until now when the weather is cold. Staying in the hotel, the room is nice and warm when you step out of the shower. You can take your time to dry off, blow your hair and get dressed but here, all I want to do is to dry off and get my fleece jacket on.

One extra motivation to go to the gym these days is to use their shower facilities! I wash my hair there now so that I don't have to do it at home and because there is no draft, I can take my own sweet time.

During the daytime at home, I now wear my socks and put on my cardigan. It makes me realise that I still prefer piling on the layers than to be in Singapore where I perspire right after a shower.

So, I am not complaining at all about the cold except wishing that we had brought more variety of clothing for the cold weather. For now, I will be making the most out of it till mid Jan when the weather will start warming up.

Oh yes, eating the hot spicy Chinese style chicken curry for dinner in this temperature just makes it even more yums!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

My 2010 Christmas wish list

As Christmas is nearing and of course my birthday after, this list will save you the trouble of what to buy for me. :)

Ok, I am kidding because this list is for the hubby! Can someone tell him to read this please?

It has been awhile since I have been left to the feeling of longing and wanting as instant gratification has been my mantra for quite awhile now. If I had managed to escape the temptation of instant gratification, I must than thank my short attention span.

My Christmas wish list for 2010 till date:
1. Sushi Tei with sashimi salad, sushi roll, beef suyiyaki
2. Adidas-Sennheiser earphones
3. Satay (thanks to MasterChef Australia that ignited this craving)
4. Set of measuring cup and weighing scale
5. New clothes
6. Christmas dinner at Aly's
7. Tod's Ivy Sacca Media Shoulder Bag
8. Basilico Sunday Brunch

Hm, after making the list, the items seem to neatly fall into two categories: shopping and food. Not too surprising I must say.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Practice makes almost perfect!

This phrase is true for most things and I have to say especially in the area of cooking.

After cooking almost on a daily basis for like three to four months now, I have to say that most of my dished have improved since the first time I tried cooking it. I remember the sense of satisfaction that I got especially from the Sweet and Sour Chicken that I made for the second time.

The improvement to the dishes comes through the form of feedback from the very picky eater I have at home and reading of different recipie versions.

A homemaker friend once told me that she makes 3 different version of the same dish in order to please her husband, son and herself. When I asked why she bothered, her answer was: "Well, you want them to be happy eating what you have cooked, so it is their preference that matters over mine." Words of wisdom for me.

Recently, I got bored and tried to make the Chinese style carrot cake but it was a disaster. Thanks to me trusting a website which told me that rice flour is the same as plain flour, my carrot cake never set even after steaming for a long time. It was such a setback to me and my morale. More than that, I had wasted precious stock of my chinese mushrooms and dried shrimps. Thank goodness I was smart enough not to add in the chinese sausage.

It took me two weeks before I attempted again and this time was a mini success! I followed another recipe and made sure that I bought rice flour. It was not a huge success as I think the texture can still be a bit firmer and more chewy. 

Here are the pictures of my 2nd attempt:

The mixture before steaming

Steamed Carrot Cake

Carrot Cake Pan Fried

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Season's Greetings

Received my first Christmas card! Am thinking if I should display it around the house for christmas feel but I am sure that it will be dusty with a week. It will probably be better kept in the cupboard.

This is proof that the Royal Mail and the India Post works:

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hello Mr Postman!

When was the last time you had been to the post office? Even then, chances are that it was to run an errand, collecting your online shopping and not sending mail. For quite sometime now, Internet banking has replaced sending of cheques, letters has been replaced by emails, stamps can be bought from 7-11 or SAM machine, etc.

Last week, I had to go to the post office to send off cards which I am unsure if they would ever arrive at their final destination. For greeting cards, nothing beats one that comes with an envelope and stamp. So, I decided to put my faith in the local postal system and sent of a few cards (to minimise loss). 
First challenge now is to locate the post office but luckily, the landlord's driver took me there else I would have never found it.

The one nearest to me is located inside the Department of Irrigation and the building reminds me of a primary school that had never been maintained. The driver pointed to me what looks like a classroom door with a Western Union signage and left. The room had a musty smell and the tables were seriously the old school type.

After I bought my stamps, I asked where can I glue them and he points to this round table. That table was covered with many scrapes of paper and torn stamps that probably got stuck by senders who were careless or didn't know how to use the glue/ water. Looking at the rusty four pots on the table, I figured that the miserable amount of liquid in the bottom of those pots must either be glue or water but no way was I going to put my fingers in there!

But I really am not keen to make a trip here again just because I cannot affix the stamps! What do you think are my other options? Yes, the next thought was to use my tongue to make it work but I have no idea how the stamps had been kept or what it had come into contact with before, so the idea totally turned me off. Suddenly, I remembered that because I was going to the gym, I had my bottle with me that I just washed. Maybe, hopefully, thankfully, there was a bit of water in there.

Systematically, I stuck the stamps telling myself that the water is very precious because it looked like it was just enough for me to do the needed. I couldn't help beaming at myself too for the stroke of genius. Ha.
As I handed over the letters to the guy behind the counter, he handed it to the guy sitting behind him who handed over to another guy who brought it into the back room. Talk about job creation, a lesson or two can be learnt from India.

That night, I was still thinking of my post office experience and how I had taken the postal system back home for granted. I can only trust that if the Indians have made an art out of delivering tiffin lunches across different localities, they should be able to do the same with mail.

Too bad I could not take pictures to share with you as I didn't want to attract more attention to myself as the only fair skin Chinese woman around. Oops, it had just crossed my mind now that I did not ask if it was going to be air mail! Well, I guess I will find out soon with time.

Update: Seemed like only 3 of my 6 cards arrived. Where are the others??? Oh, I received a Christmas Card on 7-Jan-2011!