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Hyderabad, India
Moving into a new place where many have not been to before, me and the hubby truely did not know what to expect. As we find out for ourselves what kind of hole we have thrown ourselves into living in Hyderabad, here's a peek for all into this new world of ours.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Eating Out: Chili's at Inorbit Mall

The first time we went to Inorbit mall, there was a space bordered up for renovations on the 2nd floor. But the boards were announcing the opening of Chili's in Hyderabad. Yes! Another American joint where we can go to get our fix of red meat and I couldn't wait.

Our first visit there was great. Service was friendly and the servers spoke good English. The food took awhile to arrive but I guess will have to give them some leeway as this is their first weekend operating. When our food descended on our tables, we just gasped. They had literally adopted too, the American portion. As it was a Sunday, I knew whatever I could not finish of my plate would be lunch tomorrow.

My order was the mini burgers sitting on a volcano of fries. The burgers were yummy, though it cannot beat the ones at Ice Cold Beer. As I was ploughing through my food, my sharp eye had caught a strand of hair sticking out at the corner of the plate. Since it was not in my food and I was so hungry, I decided to give this feedback to the manager towards the end of our meal. 

Of course I was expecting the usual service recovery of apologies and extra attention but I certainly was not expecting the cost of my main course to be waived off. Kudos to the manager for more than making up for the service lapse.

So far, my favorite items on the menu is their Grilled Chicken Club Sandwich and the Steak Fajitas. Just thinking about it makes my tummy do a small rumble.

However, after our third or fourth visit, we realise that their portions have shrunk. It has gone from an overwhelming portion to an acceptable plate. Well, they must have realised it when people are always having leftovers to take away.

Oh, one more good thing about the India Chili's. With the receipt, you are encouraged to go online to do a survey within 4 days. The incentive? A free starter on your next visit. 

For someone like me who loves to give feedback, its a pleasure to do it for establishments who really value feedback and reward their customers for doing so.  

Me enjoying my Sunday beer

Our free starter for the day

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Update 25/03/2012,
They stopped serving free startes, the Tostada Chips now cost 155bucks (Bottomless), when i confronted them saying it was free earlier the guy said he is with Chilis for 6 yr.. and they never offered free starters

as for the Survey and free starter, now you need to order a main course to avail the free starter offer