About Me

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Hyderabad, India
Moving into a new place where many have not been to before, me and the hubby truely did not know what to expect. As we find out for ourselves what kind of hole we have thrown ourselves into living in Hyderabad, here's a peek for all into this new world of ours.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Friendship Milestone: Level Up!

I had spent Sat evening like many other ones – sitting down with the girls snacking on potato chips and having multiple conversations simultaneously. We have this group habit of talking to one person but always able to butt in another conversation still clued in.

Yes, it’s the usual girl talk bonding over conversation like fashion, work, food, etc. Nothing unusual about that except that it was not over the dinner table or at someone’s house – it was over Skype. Three of my closest friends are in London and here I am in India looking at them (through my 14.1 inch screen) eating gourmet chips and them looking at me eating Lays.

The Skype call happened because two of them had just arrived in London to visit J. As J was waiting for them to get ready before heading out, we moved from MSN to Skype. After the updates of recent events, we moved on to the usual direction-less chatter.

While sitting here looking at three of them chat, they really didn’t seem that far away. For me, they really could have just been over the table. Too bad the technology of multiple video calls is not yet readily available, else we could have got the rest to dial in too.

Point is, we agreed that to be able to hang out together via Skype is akin to hitting a new milestone in our friendship. I suggested that to take this further, they should bring along the laptop for dinner and we can all have dinner together! Ha.

Anyway, girls, am counting down to CNY when we will all meet again for many steamboat sessions and mahjong!

P.S: Within 5 mins after we hung up, I had a blackout that lasted for almost 2 hours.

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