About Me

My photo
Hyderabad, India
Moving into a new place where many have not been to before, me and the hubby truely did not know what to expect. As we find out for ourselves what kind of hole we have thrown ourselves into living in Hyderabad, here's a peek for all into this new world of ours.

Friday, August 5, 2011

I am moving!

Not a physical move but I am referring to my change of address in cyberspace. :)

It doesn't make sense to continue blogging under this title since my time in Hyderabad is over. I do hope that my blog has been a useful resource for some or had entertained you in your free time.

To the new friends I have made from this blog, thanks for reading.

For those who have time to spare or curious as to what I am doing now, do feel free to visit me at http://yesnoandmaybe.wordpress.com/

See you there!